Festivals Guru

Live a Life of Courage

In  my article on Overcoming Your Fear, one of the solutions to overcoming fear was to develop courage. For instance, if trying to conquer a particular fear hasn’t been working for you, then the idea is to work on developing courage. Contrary to what some may believe, courage is not a quality you are, or are not, born with. It is one that can be cultivated and honed. Nor, does acquiring courage necessarily entail doing something dramatic or astoundingly heroic. On a day-to-day basis many ordinary folk summon uncommon courage to overcome both physical and psychological barriers in order to achieve a variety of necessities and goals.

What then is courage?

Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficult, challenging, and sometimes seemingly impossible circumstances. It is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation and other threats.

Why should we aspire to develop courage?

When we work to develop courage, we both empower ourselves with the ability to confront problems head on, as well as, acquire the skills required to deal with life’s inevitable challenges.

Courage is a psychological muscle!

Indeed, when we build any muscle, we do so in order to build strength and resilience. At a time when many of us resort to harmful and counterproductive substances to deal with problems, we would do better to rely upon a healthy supply of courage. Undoubtedy, it is the wiser alternative.  In building strategies for living a more productive,happy and meaningful life,developing courage is yetanother way to take responsibility for your state of mind, your circumstances and your well-being.

As Maxwell Maltz, author of PsychoCybernetics, points out:

“We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness”.

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